Personal Tech

Don’t DIY These Common Computer Issues

Almost every person in the United States owns a computer, or at least uses a computer. If you’re one of these people and an issue arises with your computer, you may be tempted to jump on Google and start the DIY process, but there are some things that you just can’t handle alone. These specific issues are outlined below, and if you’re experiencing or think you may have any of these issues, it’s best to just go straight to a laptop and desktop computer repair company. 

A Motherboard Failure

Your motherboard is the heart of your computer, so damage to it is hard to diagnose and even harder to test for damage, as It’s a circuit board, you need to make sure it’s not a hard drive or video card issue first. Even if you manage to figure out that your motherboard is the issue, you can’t manually repair it yourself. You’ll need the right tools alongside the right knowledge, and you just can’t get this from a video or blog post. It takes practice, otherwise, you may make things much worse. 

Laptop Screen Damage

Laptops are great for bringing with you out and about in the world, but they are infinitely harder to repair than a desktop computer. Add to this that modern laptop screens are hard to repair when broken, especially if you have a newer laptop with a sophisticated screen. You also can’t just take off the screen and put another one on, the old screen has to be disconnected from the motherboard and the battery and reconnected seamlessly. With this in mind, leave it to the professionals. 

Laptop Battery Replacement

Laptop batteries are more complicated than just a AAA battery switched over in a flashlight. They have to be correctly replaced, reconnected and disposed of. Laptop batteries are hazardous products, so they need to be checked for any liquid or gas discharge, and these chemicals can be harmful to humans if they’re exposed to them. Not only will the experts have the right protective equipment, but they can see the leak if it happens and reduce the damage to other components of your laptop. This is what stops a small issue from becoming a bigger one. 

Laptop Keyboard Replacement 

Another aspect of a laptop that is prone to breaking and hard to replace is the keyboard. Unlike a desktop, you can’t just change to a new component. Although you can use a Bluetooth keyboard for a little while, you lose portability. So one day, you will want to replace the keyboard, but this takes knowledge and effort as the keyboard is right above all the important parts of the laptop. So you don’t want to mess up. 

Who Do You Turn To? 

If you suspect your laptop or desktop computer is experiencing an issue listed here, or one that is just too much for a simple troubleshooting fix to handle, you need to find a great repair company to help.  But with all the options out there in Colorado Springs, how do you know if you’re making the right choice?

Well, you could look online and shop around, but you’ll need to go through reviews, find out what the local options are and see if anyone meets your needs. 

Or you could choose DML Computer Repair. A family-owned company, they offer free diagnostic services to help you understand what’s wrong and will give you the right support to come to a viable solution. They have been the trusted choice for locals in the area for decades now, so if you need tech help, call them now and get started! 

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